Fan Fiction

Written permission has been granted by all authors for archival 
on Portraits of Collinwood.

Jebez, The Giant Lung 
By Donna Cole (aka Julianka)

You know Brutus and Petofi and Gerard and Barnabas
Laura and Quentin and Angelique and Nicholas
But do you recall
The worse villain of all?

Jebez, the giant lung
He was a poor little Leviathan boy
If you ever smelled him you'd say, he reeked like dung
And you'd run right away.

All around Collinsport
The locals ran in fear
They couldn't stand his sort
Leaving poor Jeb to wipe an angry tear

Then one foggy day
Barnabas came to say
Jeb, you'll never give Carolyn joy
What she needs is a human boy

Then how Nicholas loathed poor Jeb
Cursed him and gave him hell
Nick tried to trap the poor boy in his web
Jebez, the giant lung was heard to yell

That's not groovy man
It's rude to treat me this way!
So he and Carolyn ran
But poor Jeb died anyway

Oh, Jebez, the giant lung
You smell worse than dung
This is getting hard to rhyme
But you're one of my favs of all time!!!!!!! 


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